Kathleen Palm

Kathleen Palm is a little light, a little dark, and a lot weird. Living in an old (sadly not haunted) house in Indiana, she resists the urge to run through the killer-infested cornfields. Absorbed in anything scary or weird, she plots how to spread light through the darkness. Her short stories have appeared in the anthologies Blackberry Blood and A Quaint and Curious Volume of Gothic Tales and in Dark Dead Things: Issue 2, as well as on the Tales to Terrify podcast. Her debut upper middle grade horror book INTO THE GRAY is out from Spooky House Press.

Titles by Kathleen Palm

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Magazine Pieces by Kathleen Palm
I’m going back. The car bounces and skids on the long, forgotten road. The dim light from the radio creeps over the worn gray seats of my worn gray car. Static crackles and spits from the speakers, the noise mimicking the constant din in my head, like a station in my mind that keeps searching for what’s missing. But I know what’s missing…
Kathleen Palm News

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