Frequently Asked Questions


Why hasn't my order shipped?

If your order contained a pre-order item (denoted on each product page), your order will ship when the last item becomes available. If your order does not have pre-orders in it but still hasn't shipped after 3-5 business days, send us an email and let us know so we can check on it!

Oops, I didn't see that, can I split my order to get some items now?

Absolutely! All we ask is that you cover the additional shipping cost. If you'd like to split your order, please email us with your order number and we will provide further instructions on where to send the payment so we can ship all available items now.

Do you ship internationally?

YES! Please note that we do not mark customs forms with 'gift', even if you are gifting the book to someone.

How much is shipping?

Our shipping software links directly into the USPS API, so shipping charges are based on what it will cost us to mail you your order. Shipping rates will vary depending on how many items/how heavy your order is as well as your location.

I need to change my shipping address!

If your order hasn't shipped, we'd be happy to update your address. If it has shipped, unfortunately we cannot reroute packages. If it is returned, we can reship for a second shipping charge.

My order arrived damaged, what can I do?

While we do our best to package all of our orders safely, sometimes they do get bumped around in transit. If your books arrived damaged, please send us an email with your order number and photos of the damage so we can assess and reship if necessary.

When will you get [blank] back in stock?

Ideally, we would never run out of stock of anything. However, if we do run out of a product we will typically have new stock for direct orders within 2-3 weeks. If a title has gone out of print without intention to restock for direct orders, it will be noted on the product page (though you can likely still find a copy on Amazon or other major retailers).

Can I cancel my order?

As long as your order hasn't shipped, we can cancel it! Please send us an email ASAP so we can take care of it.


Why isn't the discount applying to my cart?

Bundle discounts only apply when the items are added to your cart from the bundles page or the bundle widget found on participating item pages. Adding items to your cart individually will not automatically apply the discount. If you added the items from the bundle page and the discount is still not applying to your cart, reach out and let us know so we can look into it.

Will I still get all the cool add-ons for my bundle of Killer VHS titles?

In order to offer a substantial discount on titles such as the Killer VHS series, we removed the extra items such as the branded boxes and membership cards. You will still receive a single Shortwave Video Membership Card with your bundle order.

Can I stack promo code discounts onto orders with bundles in them?

No, only one type of discount can be applied to a cart per order. Unfortunately, this means that even if you have other items not part of a bundle in your cart, you will not be able to enter a promo code to use in conjunction with the bundle discount. If you want to use other promo codes, you'll need to place a separate order.


I run/work for a bookstore and want to stock your books. Can I?

We love when bookstores want to stock Shortwave titles! And we can beat iPage/Ingram pricing. Please check out our Wholesale page for more information!


I want to interview Alan/one of your authors for a podcast/blog/magazine. How do I get in touch with them?

While we cannot guarantee they'll say yes, we can forward your request. Please send us an email with more information.

Are you open for submissions?

Maybe! Check out our Submissions page for information on any current open calls.