Jacob Steven Mohr

Don’t buy the hype: Jacob Steven Mohr was not raised by wolves. Feral children are capable of many things, but weaving wild words into flesh and fantasy isn’t one of them. Lucky us. If it were, we’d all be speaking Wolf. Mohr’s work has previously appeared in Nightmare Sky, Summer Bludgeon, and Night Terrors, Vol. 20, as well as on The NoSleep Podcast and Scare You to Sleep. He lives in Columbus, OH.


Titles by Jacob Steven Mohr

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Magazine Pieces by Jacob Steven Mohr
The room’s perfect whiteness is infinity. Without variation, without shadow, the illusion of perpetuity is near-flawless. She waits on the tissue paper, legs dangling. From somewhere comes the soft ticking of a clock, though there’s no clock in the room…
Jacob Steven Mohr News

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