Mae Murray

Mae Murray is a writer and editor hailing from Arkansas, now living in eerie New England. She is the founder and sole proprietor of XOMedia, an independent production company specializing in horror across multiple mediums. Her editing debut THE BOOK OF QUEER SAINTS HORROR ANTHOLOGY was released March 2022, and her debut novel I’M SORRY IF I SCARED YOU is expected Fall 2023. Her work can also be found at Dread Central and News, updates, and contact for Mae can be found at her website.

Titles by Mae Murray

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Magazine Pieces by Mae Murray
Mira was in a hospital gown looking at her phone. The girl with the bleach-blonde pixie cut had been tantalizing in her OKCupid photo, but when they met last week, she noticed the deep-pitted acne scars peppering her jawline and the glaring red spots on her cheeks and between her thick brows…
Mae Murray News
March 2, 2025
March is Women in Horror Month! Women in Horror Month (WiHM) is an international, grassroots initiative, which encourages supporters to learn about and showcase the underrepresented work of women in the horror industries…
December 1, 2022
Tenebrous Press announced the final TOC for their Brave New Weird Award anthology and “The Imperfection” by Mae Murray was one of the winners…
November 24, 2022
Tenebrous Press just announced the shortlist for their inaugural Brave New Weird Awards, and Mae Murray’s short story, “The Imperfection” made the list…