Tanya Pell

Tanya Pell’s horror debut CICADA releases in Sept. ’24 through Shortwave. An HWA member, her short fiction can be found in MOTHER KNOWS BEST, OBSOLESCENCE, Shortwave Magazine, and Well, This is Tense. She is represented by Marcy Posner at Folio and FolioJr.


Titles by Tanya Pell
🏆 Bestseller
🥇 Award Finalist
A Dark Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror Anthology
Magazine Pieces by Tanya Pell
Child-sized footprints snaked through the house from the backdoor. Red clay looked far too much like blood in certain lighting. Tabitha followed the footprints…
El resented her father for calling her home. She stood in the backyard, arms folded across her faded t-shirt, staring out at the rows and rows of dry, brown cornstalks against an empty blue sky…
Tanya Pell News
March 2, 2025
March is Women in Horror Month! Women in Horror Month (WiHM) is an international, grassroots initiative, which encourages supporters to learn about and showcase the underrepresented work of women in the horror industries…
October 3, 2024
Huge congrats to author Tanya Pell! Vulture named CICADA—the fourth entry in our Killer VHS Series—one of the…
May 17, 2024
Today, we are revealing the cover for Tanya Pell’s CICADA, the fourth novella in our popular Killer VHS Series…
May 15, 2024
Our debut anthology, OBSOLESCENCE, was named a Finalist today in the Best New Horror category at the 2024 Next Generation Indie Book Awards…
December 11, 2023
Today we are announcing a new deal for Tanya Pell‘s horror novella, Cicada. Cicada will be published Fall of 2024 as the fourth title in our Killer VHS Series…
June 12, 2023
Horror DNA recently poster their review of our anthology, OBSOLESCENCE, edited by Alan Lastufka and Kristina Horner. They gave the book a perfect 5 out of 5 star rating, saying…
December 6, 2022
Naomi Grossman is wrapping up her Foreword for OBSOLESCENCE this week! She called OBSOLESCENCE co-editor, Alan Lastufka, after reading the first five stories…
November 3, 2022
The OBSOLESCENCE anthology started with 12 Featured Authors a few months ago. Then we read through 628 open submissions and narrowed those down to just 12 additional stories to complete the anthology…