“Viral” – A Short Story by Chelsea Pumpkins

Viral - A Short Story by Chelsea Pumpkins

Mariah was busy flipping between her account and the trending page, searching for the magic formula for fame. Her mind flooded with analytics, calculating if she was growing or shrinking in popularity…

How I Write 1,000 Words an Hour

How I Write 1000 Words an Hour 1

I use what I learned, during those early days—not the tricks, necessarily, but the tips—to maintain a relatively consistent 1,000-word-per-hour output. Day in, day out. Here’s how I do it—and how you can, too…

“Cornfield” – A Short Story by Christopher Hawkins

Cornfield - A Short Story by Christopher Hawkins

Alice wasn’t asleep, but she was starting to dose with her phone glowing balanced on her chest, when she heard the scraping at her window. She’d left it half open, as much an invitation as a way to let in the autumn air…

“Only Bodies Wanted” – A Short Story by Jacob Steven Mohr

Only Bodies Wanted - A Short Story by Jacob Mohr

The room’s perfect whiteness is infinity. Without variation, without shadow, the illusion of perpetuity is near-flawless. She waits on the tissue paper, legs dangling. From somewhere comes the soft ticking of a clock, though there’s no clock in the room…

How to Write a Mystery Series

How to Write a Mystery Series by Nicole Dieker

I’ve written novels before. I’ve even written sequels. But this is my first time writing a series. My first time writing a collection of novels, with a cast of compelling and recurring characters, that can either stand alone or be read in sequence…

“Indigo Night” – A Short Story by Alex Woodroe

Indigo Night - A Short Story by Alex Woodroe

“The last one.” The ship’s console lit up emerald green and the deepest of blue, colors that used to trigger an odd sort of nostalgia in Son, but lately only made him feel resentful. In the middle of the screen, a minuscule dot was steadily growing. Father’s voice soon followed from the speakers…

“Portrait of an Artist” – A Short Story by Casey Masterson

Portrait of an Artist - A Short Story by Casey Masterson

Artists thought they’d be the last ones laughed out of their professions by technology, yet they were amongst the first. What started as an amusing revolution of AI capabilities for content creators and web perusers was optimized to gain the attention of art critics and galleries…

“Midnight Frequencies” – A Short Story by Pedro Iniguez

Midnight Frequencies - A Short Story by Pedro Iniguez

The streetlight buzzed above the taco truck like a nest of angry hornets as it flickered in its death throes. Not unlike most neglected corners in Los Angeles, this particular stretch of downtown had been left to the bottom-feeders. At least down here, Enrique thought, the cops didn’t harass street vendors all that much…

“Such a Doll” A Short Story by Lyz Mancini

Such a Doll - A Short Story by Lyz Mancini

I was born on a conveyor belt. I remember rough hands, rap music blasting, and being shoved into a box. It isn’t a memory so much as a story, told to me so many times it feels like my own. But I was too busy screaming inside, my brain too busy growing, to truly know what was going on…

“Won’t Last Long!” A Short Story by Brian McAuley

Won't Last Long - A Short Story by Brian McAuley

Live in the glamorous heart of Hollywood! Spacious bachelor studio. Shared utilities in a growing community. Close to nature with stunning natural light. Won’t last long! Jeff’s holding his phone across the coffeeshop table for me to read the listing…