Ai Jiang

Ai Jiang is a Chinese-Canadian writer, Ignyte Award winner, Nebula and Locus Award finalist, and an immigrant from Fujian currently residing in Toronto, Ontario. She is a member of HWA and SFWA. Her work can be found in F&SF, The Dark, Uncanny, among others. She is the recipient of Odyssey Workshop’s 2022 Fresh Voices Scholarship and the author of Linghun and I AM AI.

Titles by Ai Jiang
A Spirited Giving Charity Anthology
Edited by Vincent V. Cava, James Sabata, and Jared Sage
An Anthology of Dark Academia
Edited by Ai Jiang and Christi Nogle
⌛ Out of Print
🏆 Bestseller
🥇 Award Finalist
🏆 Bestseller
🥇 Award Finalist
A Dark Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror Anthology
Magazine Pieces by Ai Jiang
At UM Hotel, we provide the best service, ranging from emotional and physical support, unconditional love and care, domestic upkeeping, and self-sacrifice. To book a room, please text your check-in date and time in the following format to…
The family tree of literature, especially speculative fiction, is a vast and many-branched one. With this interview series, I hope to speak with some of the top names—both established and upcoming—in the speculative fiction genres about the authors who have made an impact on them, whether as readers, writers, or both…
I traded my last coffee for a coffee. How ironic. My finger jabbed at the ordering machine. The Langbase implanted in my brain popped up in front of my eyes, and I watched as the word disappeared. A heavy breath escaped my lips. I would have to trade my teas next…
Ai Jiang News
March 2, 2025
March is Women in Horror Month! Women in Horror Month (WiHM) is an international, grassroots initiative, which encourages supporters to learn about and showcase the underrepresented work of women in the horror industries…
December 6, 2024
We are excited to share that Ai Jiang‘s novelette, I AM AI, will be taught at the University of Toronto St. George…
May 15, 2024
Our debut anthology, OBSOLESCENCE, was named a Finalist today in the Best New Horror category at the 2024 Next Generation Indie Book Awards…
May 9, 2024
We are very excited to announce Ai Jiang‘s novelette, I AM AI, which we published last June, is a finalist for the Locus Award! This is the third major award…
March 29, 2024
We are very excited to announce Ai Jiang‘s novelette, I AM AI, which we published last June, is a finalist for the Hugo Award…
March 15, 2024
We are very excited to announce AI Jiang’s novelette, I AM AI, which we published last June, is a finalist for the Nebula Award…
March 1, 2024
Today we are revealing the cover for Shadows in the Stacks, a new horror charity anthology…
January 29, 2024
Today we are announcing a partnership with Spirited Giving to publish Shadows in the Stacks, a charity anthology, edited by Vincent V. Cava, James Sabata, and Jared Sage, with a foreword by Laurel Hightower…
August 28, 2023
Today we’re excited to announce “Don’t Scratch / How I Learned to Read”, a new split chapbook by Ai Jiang and Nicole Dieker…
June 25, 2023
Wilted Pages, an anthology of Dark Academia, received over 500 open submissions! Co-editors Ai Jiang and Christi Nogle had their work cut out for them. But after careful reading and consideration…
June 19, 2023
Horror DNA recently posted their review of Ai Jiang’s new novelette, I AM AI. They gave the book 4 out of 5 stars, saying…
June 12, 2023
Horror DNA recently poster their review of our anthology, OBSOLESCENCE, edited by Alan Lastufka and Kristina Horner. They gave the book a perfect 5 out of 5 star rating, saying…
June 1, 2023
For the release of Ai Jiang’s novelette, I AM AI, we have partnered with two bookstores for two exciting launch events…
May 3, 2023
Given the same prompt, who wrote it better? Ai Jiang or ChatGPT?
April 24, 2023
We are excited to share that Ai Jiang’s forthcoming novelette, I AM AI, will be taught this semester at the University of Washington…